
  1. Études Studio - Keep warm. Stay cool.

    Keep warm. Stay cool.
    Wool hat by Études Studio, from Paris.
    Also in blackest black.
    Call our stores to enquire.
    03 9417 5150
    02 9310 1550
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  2. Appropriate Headwear by Bernstock Speirs

    So you've been invited to one of the following:

    The Birdcage Marquee at Melbourne Cup, A garden wedding, Boating/yachting, Mini golf.

    And you don't have appropriate headwear.

    Here 'tis.

    By Bernstock Speirs

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  3. Chapeaux

    Études et AMI bring us The coolest hats from Paris.
    The Études Sesam Wool hat, with the perfect straight broad rim and rounded top.
    In cobalt blue to match our front door on Gertrude St, and super smart, slick black.
    And AMI has made the humble baseball cap in woollen houndstooth.  
    And oui oui, for both gents and gentlewomen.
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