In Conversation With Venessa Arizaga
We caught up with our super cool friend, Jewellery designer and new mother Venessa Arizaga. We talked about making big moves, traveling and style muses.
Take a look!

Let’s get the main ones out of the way,
Who are you, where do you live and what do you do?
Who are you, where do you live and what do you do?
Hello friends, my name is Venessa Arizaga. I’m a jewelry designer from Brooklyn New York but I just made the biggest move of my life to the tiny Caribbean island of Rincon, Puerto Rico.
What makes a Rinconian (Town in Puerto Rico)
I would say the love of nature, perfect weather, and a laid-back attitude. Puerto Ricans are apparently rated the top 10 happiest people in the world. Go figure!
What is the favorite thing in your wardrobe right now?
My favorite items in my wardrobe are my vintage sheer cotton Indian dresses. Puerto Rico is 85 degrees F. (30 degrees C.) year round and they’re deliciously light and airy. I have one dress that’s over 12 years and I wash and wear religiously…. it’s the best fabric!!!
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I use to be a night owl but I have a one-year-old and he’s the boss. Our call time is at 5:30 A.M. But back in the day I would love staying up late and working until the early morning. Those are when the best ideas are born.
What advice would you give your 16-year-old self?
I would tell little VA to keep up the good work and keep up being a creative weirdo.
Name your style muse
This is such a tough question for me…there are really so many. I love all women that mix fashion from high to low from new to old. Some lovely ladies are Amanda Cutter Brooks, Cher in the 70’s, Yves Saint Laurent muse Lou Lou De La Falaise just to name a few.
Before I die, I’ll buy....
Before I die, I’ll buy a perfectly functioning mint condition1960’s (any year) Bronco truck. My late father was a car enthusiast so I’m a sucker for any vintage cars. I know he would approve.
Where’s a favorite place you’ve traveled recently and why?
It’s been years since I traveled to an exotic location just for a holiday. All my travels usually are because of work or to work on our new home in Puerto Rico. But when we’re in PR we would take mini trips on the island. One of our favorite places to visit is the historic Old San Juan. It’s one of the oldest cities in the New World and North America. You can feel it’s beautiful but also feel the dark history of the Spanish and African slave trade. The houses are gorgeous…each a bold bright color with original old cobblestone roads. You can hear homes playing romantic Latin music as you walk down the streets! It’s truly picturesque.
How do you approach fashion and getting dressed?
Comfort is key for me! I’m constantly running around chasing baby Sunny as well as juggling business affairs. I paid my dues wearing high heels and uncomfortable sexpot clothes. So over it! I love the feel of ease with a masculine touch. So for me, my uniform is a cozy t-shirt layered with a men’s button-down shirt and loose fitting pants with a solid pair of vans.
Sneaker, runner or trainer?
Sneakers…. so American I know
What or where would be your last meal on earth?
My last meal on earth with be a tower of seafood dripping with oysters, egg-filled shrimp, and pounds of lobster with butter. I’m convinced I’m part mermaid.
What’s your poison?
Beer and the occasional cigarette once in a blue moon. I know, I know… but you asked.
Locals Only -Tell me something about your hometown that I wouldn’t read about in the guidebooks (a Secret spot that only a local would know about)
Rincon, Puerto Rico is one of the best surfing destinations in the entire world! It’s a sleepy beach town but has a vibrant history of incredible beaches and stunning wildlife located on a nature reserve.