In Conversation With Lope Homewares
Who are you, where do you live and what do you do?
Hello! My name is Liz Chadwick and I live in Northcote, Vic, Australia.
I am one of the designers and owners of Melbourne based homewares brand Lope
What makes a Melbourner?
I think being adventurous, Melbourne is a pretty big place with lots of different cultural hubs. If you’re not up for exploring, then you won’t be making the most of it
What is the favorite thing in your wardrobe right now?
My Muji slippers, honestly, I’m not sure how I’d get through winter without them
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I’m a pretty sleepy person so probably neither, unless I’m able to nap, in which case I’m a night owl.
What advice would you give your 16-year-old self?
Be nicer to your mum, she rules.
Name your style muse
My Friend Lili Hall, her ability to deconstruct and then reconstruct second hand clothing blows me away.
Before I die, I’ll buy....
A vase by Nathalie Du Pasquier, she’s my idol and the perfect example of
All the different mediums you can use to express your design style.
Where’s a favorite place you’ve travelled recently and why?
I recently Travelled to WA to Martu country and volunteered for a month at an art gallery called Martumili, I was lucky enough to hang out with amazing Martu people and learn about country and culture.
How do you approach fashion and getting dressed?
Comfort absolutely! I’m generally rotating through a small few outfits so whatever suits the weather/occasion.
Sneaker, runner or trainer?
Runners for sure.
What or where would be your last meal on earth?
A meal of just spinach and cheese Gozlemes.
What’s your poison?
Bad quality instant coffee, specifically the Robert Timms coffee bags.
Pretty un-Melbourne of me but oh well.
Locals Only -Tell me something about your hometown that I wouldn’t read about in the guidebooks.
There’s a spot in the park in Clifton hill where you can sit and watch the sunset over the city. It’s the perfect evening wine spot!