In Conversation With Carla Colour - The Standard Store

In Conversation With Carla Colour

Let’s get the main ones out of the way. ....

Who are you, where do you live and what do you do?

My name is Carla + I’m the founder + creative director of CARLA COLOUR eyewear. I live in Brooklyn New York.

carla colour

What makes a NEW YORKER?

Power jaywalking

What is the favourite thing in your wardrobe right now?

80s silk ESCADA kimono dress

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I’m a natural night owl but since becoming a mother I’m now a reluctant morning person.

What advice would you give your 16 year old self?

Follow your creativity

Name your style muse

Leigh Bowery

Before I die, I’ll buy....

A vintage clothing store

Where’s a favourite place you’ve travelled recently and why?

Milan with my new Italian friends!! Because I haven’t laughed that hard in years.

How do you approach fashion and getting dressed?

Feel it out. Be playful. Take risks.

Sneaker, runner or trainer?


What or where would be your last meal on earth?

Daily catch fresh grilled fish with a cold yeni raki in Ovabuku Turkey.

What’s your poison?

Dancing to unreleased Prince recordings playing in a Bushwick dive bar

Locals Only -Tell me something about your hometown that I wouldn’t read about in the guidebooks 

Narnia vintage store in NYC

Explore our Carla Colour Range Here!

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