The best place at Tio’s is a spot at the bar. Unless of course it’s Tuesday 5th June and you are part of our Wool And The Gang, gang. Then the best seat is around our long table , glowing lights, Peruvian wool, mexican drink in one hand, knitting needle in the other. Because for our first field trip from The Standard Store, we are heading to Tio’s bar on Foster St, Surry Hills, our favourite local. To, knit. We will have the gorgeous Lou Day on hand to lend her master knitting skills to those in need. It’s a BYO kit night, and by that I mean, come into the shop before 5th June, choose your favourite Wool and The Gang scarf kit (included are instructions, huge wooden knitting needles and all the Peruvian wool you could possibly need) and then turn up with said kit. Foxy Roxy oversized scarf kit is $160, and Jolly Pocket kit is a long scarf with, you guessed it, pockets, $120. There will be knitting, there will be drinking. We can’t promise the drinking will aid your stitching, but the best customised pattern on the night gets a free shot. We only have a few kits left so pop in to secure your spot in the gang.