Mr Natty says “When the hair is ready, the man is ready”
The kind of manly products we’ve been dreaming of, for our hairy friends entering beard and moustache competitions all around the globe. Beard Elixir! Moustache Twizzle wax! If you’re not particularly hirsute, you can enjoy Mr Natty’s Jack Tar Bay Rum, a truly, gentlemen’s scent! Or the Pleasant Pucker lip salve… “you’re one lucky pucker”. We love Mr Natty. We love that it’s home made in England… in the Natty shed. Where they cold press the Shipwreck Soap and infuse it with vetiver, patchouli and a smidgeon of cocoa. And after being barber to rockstars, ruffians and royalty, it’s only fitting that mr Natty has concocted his perfect hair preparations, paste, gum and wax. With fitting titles for each, “your car is waiting sir”, “you’re a sharp looking fellow”"you’re the man about town”… To my delight, I have also just discovered there is a Mr Natty Lexicon. Well I never… We reckon Mr Natty, and his Barnet and Twizzler are Uptown Top Ranking! Have a peeps at MrNatty if that last sentence has left you in a tail spin!