Happy Easter its the Eggibald prize!
If you are a bit arty , and your Archibald prize entry did not even make it to the short list , despair not , all is not lost. Introducing the EGGIBALD prize , draw a portrait on a hard boiled egg , put your name on it , and bring it in. We want to have our window full of good eggs for Easter! So far we have had quite a few entries from the local kids ( thanks kids, for your efforts I am going to be giving out chocolates on Saturday ) The best egg wins a $250 Standard store gift voucher. Bring it in by this Saturday ( 30th March ) Oh and don’t forget to instagram it and hashtag : #eggibaldprize @thestandardstore. Happy Easter ! PS I hate to say I stole this image from Libertys of London, Thanks Libertys – it must be the collective conscience , or a case of what came first , the idea or the egg?